Tenorshare iCareFone Multilingual

Posted in: Softwares / Windows | By: AD-TEAMSSS | 30-11-2022, 18:41 | 0 Comments

File size: 100.7 MB

iCareFone - A Real Manager of iOS Data.

Transfer music, photos, videos, contacts, SMS without limitation. Backup & Restore your data selectively and instantly. Save iPhone/iPad/iPod from common iOS problems. Bring your device better performance (iOS 12 and iPhone X)

Transfer Your Files Flexibly
Enjoy music, videos and photos any and anywhere

Transfer & Playback your music collection seamlessly
Keep your photos and videos and accessible on all devices
Export & Import your valuable contacts and SMS securely
Copy other files between your computer and iOS devices

Backup & Restore Your Device at Ease
Meet faster backup speed and more backup file choices. From now on, get rid of iTunes or iCloud backup.

Rescue Your Smartphone from Common iOS Troubles
Handle annoying iOS problems and device failure at home. No professional knowledge required.

Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version






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