MSMG ToolKit 13.0

Posted in: Softwares / Windows | By: AD-TEAMSSS | 30-11-2022, 18:49 | 0 Comments

File Size: 25.5 MB

The MSMG ToolKit is basically a Tool to Service, Customize, Add or Remove Features and Components, Enable or Disable Features to Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.

Copy Source DVD Files from DVD Drive
Extract Source DVD Files from ISO Image
Extract Source DVD Files from OEM / IMG Image
Convert Windows Store ESD Image to WIM Image
Convert Windows Media Creation Tool (MCT) Image to WIM Image
Convert Windows ESD Image to WIM Image
Convert Windows WIM Image to ESD Image
Convert Source WIM Editions
Integrate Windows Updates
Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates
Integrate Windows Language Packs
Integrate Windows Device Drivers
Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2
Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1
Integrate Microsoft Data Deduplication
Integrate Microsoft Edge Browser App
Integrate Windows Accessibility Braille
Integrate Microsoft Win32 Calculator
Integrate Open Secure Shell (SSH)
Integrate Windows Management Framework 5.1
Integrate Windows Media Feature Pack
Integrate Windows Muldia Restricted Codecs
Integrate Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
Integrate Windows System Restore
Integrate Windows To Go Workspace
Integrate Remote Server Administration Toolkit (RSAT)
Integrate Microsoft Default Metro Apps
Integrate Microsoft DaRT Tools to Boot & Recovery Images
Integrate Windows Thin PC Add-on Packages
Integrate Microsoft DirectX 9.0c
Integrate Microsoft Games
Integrate Windows Sidebar
Integrate Windows 8.1 Media Center Generic Activation Tokens
Integrate Windows 8.1 Pre-Activation Data & Tokens
Integrate Teal Server Patch
Integrate Custom Themes UxTheme Patch
Integrate Custom Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE)
Integrate Custom Default User Account Pictures
Integrate Custom System Files
Integrate Windows PhotoViewer Metro Mods
Integrate Windows MediaPlayer Metro Mods
Integrate Windows Win32Calc Metro Mods
Remove Default Metro Apps
Remove Default Metro Apps Using Apps List
Remove Default Metro Apps Association
Remove Windows Components
Remove Windows Components Using Package List
Import Default Metro Apps Association from XML File
Export Default Metro Apps Association to a XML File
Import Tweaks
Make a DVD ISO Image
Burn a ISO Image to DVD
Copy Source to Bootable USB Flash Drive
Sync Source Boot and Install Images to Bootable USB Flash Drive
Burn an ISO Image to Bootable USB Flash Drive
Format a USB Flash Drive
WIM Manager to Display, Delete, Rename, Export, Split, Merge, Capture, Apply, Cleanup, CheckHealth, ScanHealth WIM Image Indexes
Load/Unload WIM Image Registry for Modification

Supported Operating Systems
- Windows 7 with SP1 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012 R2 / Server 2016 / Server 2019 / Server 2022 LTSC Installation Disc DVD/ISO.
- Windows 7 with SP1 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 / Windows 11 Host Operating System for Servicing Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 source images.
- Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 / Windows 11 Host Operating System for Servicing Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 source images.
- The ToolkitHelper.exe requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.

Whats New
+ Updated Toolkit's Bin folder with Windows 11 v22H2 Insider Preview WADK (v10.0.25247.1000) Tools.
+ Updated the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Pack (Windows 7/Server 2008 R2) with .NET 4.8 KB5020621 (4.8.4585.2) (Thanks to MDL Member : abbodi1406).
+ Updated the Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 Desktop Run Pack (Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11) with Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 Desktop Run 3.1.31 Run.
+ Updated the Microsoft .NET 6 Desktop Run Pack (Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11) with Microsoft .NET Desktop Run 6.0.11 Run.
+ Added a Feature "Integrate Microsoft .NET 7 Desktop Run".
+ Added the Microsoft .NET 7 Desktop Run Pack (Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11) with Microsoft .NET Desktop Run 7.0.0 Run.
+ Updated the Microsoft Edge Chromium Browser Pack (Windows 7/Windows 8.1) with Microsoft Edge Chromium v107.0.1418.56 setup files.
+ Updated the Microsoft Edge WebView 2 Run Pack (Windows 7/8.1/Windows 10) with Microsoft Edge WebView 2 Run setup files.
+ Added a Feature "Integrate Mozilla Firefox Browser".
+ Added the Mozilla Firefox Browser Pack (Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11) with Firefox 107.0 setup files.
+ Updated the Microsoft Windows PowerShell 7 Pack (Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11) with PowerShell 7.3 Run.
+ Fixed few Bugs in the Feature "Integrate Microsoft Default Inbox Apps".
+ Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component", Split Wallet Service from Wallet App for Windows 10 Client v1809/v1903/v1909/v2004/v20H2/v21H1/v21H2, Windows 11 Client v21H2/v22H2 Source OS.
+ Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v1809/LTSC2019 (v10.0.17763.1/v10.0.17763.3650[KB5019966]) Source OS.
+ Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v1903 (v10.0.18362.1) & v1903/v1909 (v10.0.1836x.2274[KB5013945]) Source OS.
+ Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v2004 (v10.0.19041.1) & v2004/v20H2/v21H1/v21H2 (v10.0.1904x.2251[KB5019959]), LTSC2021 (v10.0.19044.1288/v10.0.19044.2251[KB5019959]) Source OS.
+ Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 11 Client v21H2 (v10.0.22000.1/v10.0.22000.1219[KB5019961]) Source OS.
+ Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 11 Client v22H2 (v10.0.22621.1/v10.0.2262x.819[KB5019980]) Source OS.
+ Optimized the Toolkit code (Thanks to MDL Members : inTerActionVRI).



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